master zhan ri 湛日法師



受到恩師上海下濤大和尚無私、無分別的慈悲心感動,湛日法師於 2013年3月 依止海濤法師剃度出家。

同年,受戒圓滿,湛日法師回到家鄉—馬來西亞森美蘭利民濟,依照恩師指示下,於2014年9月正式成立 「馬來西亞慈悲護生園」。

2015年2月,成立 「森美蘭利民濟慈悲協會」。11月,成立森美蘭利民濟第一家素食館,並由恩師賜名為「慈悲緣素食」。在2016年7月,更成立了 「馬來西亞海濤法師辦公室」,推廣實踐海濤法師各種慈悲理念。

在2015年,尼泊爾遭大地震重創,人民苦不堪言,湛日法師依照師父指示前往賑災,不僅為災民捐贈帳篷、白米糧食,更依此慈悲因緣,隨後在尼泊爾成立了 「尼泊爾慈悲緣免費素食食堂」、「尼泊爾慈悲快樂兒童之家」、「尼泊爾慈悲戒毒所」以及 「尼泊爾慈悲安老院」,深入關懷各種弱勢團體。






Master Zhan Ri

Influenced and moved by his mentor Venerable Master Hai Tao’s good virtues of selflessness, undiscriminating compassion, Master Zhan Ri ordained under Venerable Master Hai Tao in March 2013.

In the same year, Master Zhan Ri was fully ordained as a monk before he returned to his hometown in Gemencheh, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia. Under the instructions of his mentor Master Hai Tao, the following establishments was setup in Malaysia by Master Zhan Ri:

i) September 2014 – Malaysia Compassion Life Association Animal Sanctuary;
ii) February 2015 – Metta Vegan Restaurant (1st vegetarian restaurant in Gemencheh); and
iii) July 2016 – Malaysia Master Hai Tao Office

Major earthquake struck Nepal in 2015, hundreds of thousands of people lost everything and faced extreme poverty. Master Zhan Ri responded quickly to the disaster under the instructions of Master Hai Tao by providing immediate relief supplies of tents, rice and food to the earthquake-hit victims. Due to this relief experience, Master Zhan Ri saw the dire state of poverty in Nepal and the need to extend help to these Nepalese. Upholding Master Hai Tao’s compassion teaching, Master Zhan Ri started to work on projects to help the local needy by establishing the following:

i) Nepal Metta Vegan Free Meal Canteen;
ii) Nepal Metta Dickey Tsering Child Home;
iii) Nepal Metta Rehab Centre; and
iv) Nepal Metta Elderly Care Home.

At the same time, Master Zhan Ri continues to actively help the Nepalese communities that needs help. Relief efforts includes:

i) Relief supplies to the flood victims in Southern Nepal;
ii) Provide winter clothing to the poor and homeless; and
iii) Reach out to the needy in the remote suburbs with food supplies and infrastructure repairs.

From all the establishments and relief efforts as listed above, it clearly demonstrated the unreserved efforts of Master Zhan Ri’s compassion in helping the needy. Master Zhan Ri’s actions are like his mentor Master Hai Tao hands carrying out his teaching of “Being compassion to all beings.”