
🤔問:放生為什麼一定要授三皈依及念佛?Q: Why is it necessary to give the three refuges and chant while performing life release?

😊 答:今朝千載難逢,我們與異類畜生有緣救其生命,但他們仍不能脫離輪迴業  報。我們更當發大慈悲心為眾生授以三皈依,





A: It is precious that we have the chance to save lives of different animals. However, they still cannot escape the samsara karma. We should show greater compassion to give the three refuges to all beings,

 by taking refuge in the Buddha, they shall not fall into the hell realm,

by taking refuge in the Dharma, they shall not fall into the hungry ghost realm.

by taking refuge in the Sangha, they shall not fall into the animal realm.

 In such, they shall repay everything in this life and never fall into the three evil realms. The monks and laymen will recite the holy name of “Amitabha” for them. Their eight consciousnesses will be instilled with the chanting and they shall be reincarnated into human beings and able to encounter and practice the Dharma, hence rebirth in the Western Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and forever be free from sufferings of the six paths of reincarnation. This is indeed the greatest release of life release!

🤔 問:爲什麽現在反對批評放生的人很多?Q: Why are there so many people opposing and criticizing life release?


A: Performing life release is the easiest way to eradicate our karma. It is simple and easy to do. As long as you make a vow, you can release lives anytime, anywhere, by yourself or with others, and by spending any amount of money. As life release is such extraordinary, the evil spirits do not want us to eradicate our karma in such a simple way and as a result, tens of thousands are ignorant and prevent people from releasing life.

🤔 問: 禽獸畜生千千萬萬,我們放生怎麽放得完?Q: There are tens of thousands of animals in the world. How could we release them all?

😊答: 天地之大德曰生,如來之大德曰慈,上天皆好生而惡殺,吾人力行放生,長養慈悲,已合天心且諸佛歡喜。


A: The greatest virtue between heaven and earth is to protect living things, and the greatest virtue of Tathagata is kindness. Releasing life is an act of life-saving and the most concrete manifestation of compassion.

We must know that saving a life is like saving a Buddha’s child. The merits are boundless, let alone saving many lives! The never-ending release of the thousands of animals is caused by our collective karma from the past. We should make the best effort to release the animals and be ashamed that we are just the ordinary people with limited capability. Or should we just let them be simply because they are too many to be saved?