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Tze Bei (means compassion) Gemencheh upholds the philosophy of propagating Buddha’s compassion and wisdom, advocating universal education in Buddhism, advocating to save and care for all sentient beings, and refrain from killing, life liberation, vegetarianism, and buddhism.



Metta Vegan is located next door to Tze Bei Gemencheh in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia and officially opened in November 2015. Metta Vegan allows public to “offer vegetarian meals”. As part of Meatless Monday campaign, promote vegetarian concept at school, “Free Vegetarian at School Program” was launched, where about 600 packed lunches distributed monthly, except school holiday period. This program has greatly improved the vegetarianism of teachers, students and parents.


Nepal Compassionate Aspirations


如今素食食堂已有兩個發據點,一個在斯瓦揚布納特 (Swayambhunath),俗稱猴子山;另外一個是在滿願塔 (Boudhanath) 附近。

During the great earthquake in Nepal in 2015, Venerable Zhan Ri from Malaysia travelled to Nepal to support in disaster relief activities. Everyday during disaster relief, Venerable Zhan Ri saw that many have lost their homes due to the earthquake and were left wandering on the streets. This led to the setup and establishment of a vegetarian canteen which offered free vegetarian meals to those fellow street friends made homeless daily. Today, the vegetarian canteen has two bases, one at Swayambhunath, commonly known as Monkey Mountain, and the other near the Boudhanath.

In recent years, several charity ambitions have been achieved one after another, such as: Metta Elderly Care Home, Metta Dickey Tsering Child Home, Rehab Centre and so on in order to help local vulnerable groups.